Pres. Mike Hoey reminded us that RYLA is slated for April 15 to 17. Facilitators are still needed. If you can help, please contact Mike Real.
Dick Martinez announced the Rotary Amigos project to be held April 16 and 17. The all boys orphanage is between Tecate and East Tijuana, and the project will be the replacing of lighting fixtures which will save 50% in their electricity costs. Please contact Dick if you can participate.
Mr. Martinez and the Rotary Amigos recently delivered 20 wheelchairs to our southern neighbors in desperate need of mobility, paid for by the Arcadia Rotary Foundation.
Casino Night is June 4th, from 6 to 10 PM, at the Arcadia Community Center. Eric Rail said that we have room for 2 more table sponsors at a cost of $200 each. He also needs raffle items for the auction, and volunteers to work at the event. Food will be furnished by the Derby, and cost is $100 per person and $175 per couple.
Bob Harbicht said that sales of the flags for the Field of Honor are going well, and he encouraged us to get our orders in. He has information flyers and is asking us to make them available in our offices. Flags are $50 and will be displayed May21 through May29, 2016. We also need help assembling the flags – time and place to be announced.
District Assembly is in Apple Valley, Saturday, April 9, 2016. President Rosie is strongly encouraging all Board Members to attend.
Maxine, of the Arcadia High Interact Club requested donations to the Homeless Teenager project, and described how $10,000 would help a teenager for a year.
Paul Harris pins were awarded by Gil Stromsoe to outstanding member-donors: 1. Former President, Brad Miller received a Paul Harris Fellow plus 2, having contributed $3,000 to the Foundation. 2. Yvonne Flint, received her Paul Harris Fellow PLUS 8!!! This is the highest such award given, and there have been 9 in Arcadia Rotary history.
We were saddened to hear from Tom Crosby, that he is resigning from the club, after many years of cheering us with his song leading, and his tireless efforts, leading our construction projects, most notably the Boy Scout Fort in Monrovia and the many Arcadia Rotary Amigos Projects. We’re going to miss you Tom. Please hurry back.