1. Rosie Mares, Assistant Governor, announced the District Governor’s visit on Thursday, July 26th. It will be a dinner meeting at 6 PM at the Monrovia High School gymnasium. Dinner will be provided at minimal cost. The Group 4, Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, and Sierra Madre clubs, are invited.
  2. Mary Salcido, former member of our club, is working for Autumn Years in Temple City, according to Pres. Dolphin. They are having a Grand Opening and Silent Auction, Thursday, Aug. 9th, from 5 to 9 PM. It will be held at Live Oak Park, 10144 Bogue St., Temple City. Proceeds will be used for meals to be given to the homebound and disabled. RSVP to (626)688-2770 or email:info@autumnyears.org.
  3. Our Club Roster for the ’18-’19 Rotary year is now available. On the front cover is a photo of the Santa Anita Golf Club with a brief history inside. Thanks to Frank Griffith, Ray Bushnell, and Teri Muse for all of their work in getting the roster published.