1. Larry Callahan announced that sign ups are being taken for members and their guests who plan to attend the 4-Way Speech Contest and the Stover Music Contest to be held on Friday 02/09/2018 at Arcadia High School. A buffet dinner will be served at 6:00 P.M. in the Cafeteria and the program will be held in the Multi Purpose Room. This is an annual club project and members and guests are encouraged to attend and show the club’s support for each participant. (DARK at noon, Embassy Suites).
  2. Rotary Question of the week: Paul Harris Foundation Recognition – be prepared to recall who proposed it, when and any other salient details.
  3. Fine Master: With the sad news that our beloved fine master, Brad Miller is in the hospital recovering from a stroke, we need a volunteer(s) to take over. Looking forward to your healthy return, Dr. Miller!!