1. On Sept. 7, from 6 PM to 10 PM, the Monrovia Rotary Club will have their “Old West BBQ and Casino Night” at the Monrovia Community Center, 119 W. Palm Ave. Cost is $70 per person. Go to monroviarotaryevents.com or call 626-893-3580 to purchase tickets for this fundraising event.
  2. On Monday, Sept. 30, the annual Post Alarm Golf Tournament will be held at Glendora Country Club, 310 Amelia Ave., Glendora. Lunch will be at 11 AM and the shotgun start follows at noon. Dinner is scheduled for 5:30. Donation is $175 per person which includes green fees, cart, range balls, and dinner. For an extra $25 you get 2 raffle tickets, 2 mulligans, and 1 putting contest entry. For those who aren’t playing golf, dinner is a $50 donation. Proceeds from the tournament go to support the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills. Contact John Wilson or Rob Post if you would like to attend.
  3. Sept. 23 is the Taste of Arcadia. Aaron Rose is looking for volunteers to be wine servers at the event, and he also needs people to help set up on the 22nd. Please contact Aaron if you are available to help.
  4. Rose Mares let us know that the annual JDRF-LA “Walk for a Cure” of Juvenile Diabetes will be held on October 27th at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the Walk begins at 11 a.m. Rosie has agreed to be this year’s Captain of “Team Rotary”. Walkers are needed … and donors are needed … for this worthwhile event!
  5. Pres. Mimi presented her “Golden Goose” certificate to Ashley Andrews in recognition for all the work she has done for the club. She is the past president of the Red Badgers and has organized many social events including joint events with our neighboring clubs.