Dan Bayer is still in the hospital, but flirting with the ladies, so he should be out soon.
Don’t forget the showing of G.I. Joe II on Wed., April 10, at the Kerkorian Theater in Monrovia. We will get together at the Cafe O before the showing. Please contact Andy if you plan to attend. Imy’s cousin is one of the stars in the movie.

The District Assembly will be on April 20th from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Victor Valley C .C., 18422 Bear Valley Blvd., Victorville. All incoming officers and directors are encouraged to attend. The District Conference will be held May 16 through the 19th in San Diego, starting with a golf tournament on the 16th. Please contact Mike if you plan to attend the conference, and Ernie Jensen who is in charge of the golf tournament.

Our biggest fundraiser of the year, upon which all else depends, the Monte Carlo Night is coming April 20. All members will be sponsors for $100 each, unless you contact Mike and ask to not be charged. The charge will be on your next statement. See details as to date, time, and location elsewhere in the Highgear.

On Sat., April 13, at 8 AM, we will meet at the Boys and Girls Club, 600 S. Shamrock Ave., Monrovia. Tom Crosby will lead us in a project to build gardening beds with an irrigation system.

Tuesday, May 14, is Salute to Seniors day. Mary Salcido is looking for volunteers to set up tables and serve lunch. The event will start at 12 noon at the Community Center.

Relay for Life, looking for the cure for cancer and raising the funds to do it: June 15. Last year we earned $2500. Let’s do even better this year.

Mimi’s Installation is at the beautiful Chandelier room at the Santa Anita Park Race Track June 15. Then she is off to Lisbon, Portugal for the Rotary International Convention. ( June 23-26 ).

Our salute to the Arcadia Fire Dept. is June 28,

Arcadia Rotarian of the Month: JOHN WILSON, for all his fine work. He has jumped right into the the mix. Congratulations John, and thanks for the great participation.

!!! We Meet at the ARBORETUM next friday, April 12.!!!