1. The club approved the following members as its Officers and Directors for Rotary Year 2018-2919: President – PAT DOLPHIN; President Elect – JOHN WILSON; Vice President – TERI MUSE; Secretary – DAVE TOTTEN; Treasurer – ED BERANEK; Community Service Director – BRENT FORSEE; Environmental Service Director – GLENN OYOUNG; International Service Director – SAM FALZONE; New Generations Director – KATHY ELLISON; Membership Director – JIM PONTELLO; Publice Image Director – KAREN McNAIR; and Vocational Service Director – LARRY CALLAHAN.
  2. Teri Muse announced that DIRK HUDSON is in physical therapy and would like to interact with members on Facebook.
  3. Congratulations to STACIE WEARP who has been selected as the Longley Way Teacher of the Year. She teaches the 5th grade, and has been a teacher for 27 years with the past 17 years at Longley Way.
  4. Congratulations to ROGER GRANT for the birth of his new granddaughter!
  5. President Tony announced with great sorrow that FRANK PERINI has resigned from the club after more than 50 years of perfect attendance, and Tony said that Frank intends to come to a club meeting in January to personally say “good by”. Frank has been a great member all these years and he will be greatly missed by everyone.
  6. The club will be dark on 12/22/17 and 12/29/17 for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, and the next meeting will be on 01/05/18..
  7. The Rotary questions for the first meeting of the new year is: In what city was the first Rotary club meeting held?
  8. President Tony announced that the last Board meeting of the year will be next Wednesday, 12/20/2017, at the office of FRANCINE CHIU.
  9. This is the last High Gear for 2017 and we wish every member a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! See you next year!