1. Matt Weaver is hosting a Game Night and barbecue at his home for all members on 09/18/2014. There will be a sign up sheet at the club meeting.

2. Bruce McCallum announced that there will be a tailgate party on 10/04/2014 before the USC – Arizona State football game to be held at the Collesium.. The cost is $65/person and parking is $20.. Contact Bruce for tickets and more information.

3. John Murphy announced that the club has updated its Membership brochure. John recommends that each member put Membership brochures in their place of businesswill to attract potential new members. Contact John and he will provide you with several Membership brochures and a plastic stand to hold them. Members should also hand out the Membership brochure to friends and clients to interest them in joining Arcadia Rotary.

4. Bob Harbicht told everyone to put 10/06/2014 on their calendar for the club’s annual Monday Night Football Party at Paul Kalemkiarian’s home . Food will be catered and will include tri- tip and barbecued chicken. This is always a great event..

5. Bruce McCallum announced that Taste of Arcadia will be held at the Arboretum on Monday 09/22/2014. You can get tickets from Bruce for $50/ticket and the club will receive $10 for each ticket sold.

6. The District Governor is having a Rotary Training Back to Basics seminar on Saturday 09/20/2014 at Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga. Contact Rose Mares or Eric Rail for more information.

7. Gil Stromsoe, who is the club’s Foundation chairman, presented Sylvia Ramos with her 1st Paul Harris Fellow pin. Gil encouraged all members to become a Paul Harris Fellow by contributing $1,000 to the Rotary International Foundation, which can be paid over a period of time. Gil announced that there is currently an incentive program for each member to become a 1st time Paul Harris Fellow, as follows: after you have contributed the first $200 there will be a matching grant of $200, , for a total paid of $400, leaving a balance owing of $600. After you have contributed the next $400 the remaining balance of $200 will be paid by matching grant. Gil announced that Sylvia Ramos used this incentive program and she wrote a check to the Rotary International Foundation for $600 and the remaining $400 was paid with matching grants. Gil also gave a pin to Bob Harbicht for becoming a Paul Harris Fellow + 5 (for total contribution of $6,000),, and Gil gave a pin to Rosie Mares and Dirk Hudson for each of them becoming a Paul Harris Fellow + 1 (for total contributions of $2,000 each). Congratulations to Sylvia, Bob, Rosie and Dirk for their generous contributions to the Rotary International Foundation.

8. Brent Forsee, who is the new principal at Arcadia High School and one of Arcadia Rotary’s newest members, presented the District Teacher of the Year Award, which is given annually by the Arcadia Rotary Club, to Patrick Tierney, who is a Spanish Language and Literature Teacher at Arcadia High School. Mr. Tierney graduated from University of Pittsburgh with a B.A. in Spanish and English, and he has an M.A. in Spanish and Portugese from the University of Pennsylvania, and an M.A. in Latin Literature from Colorado College. He has been teaching for 38 years , first as a college professor and then as a high school teacher, and for the past 27 years he has been teachinga in the Arcadia. School District. Congratulations to Mr. Tierney for your outstanding leadership in teaching our children..