1. MONTE CARLO NIGHT UPDATE. A sign up sheet will be circulated at the meeting next week, and Mike Ojeda will have tickets available. Mike Real said that the food will be catered by The Derby and Cafe Opera. The event will be held on March 17, from 6 to 10 PM, at the Community Center.
  2. ROTARY WHEELS OF LANCASTER: Lancaster West Rotary is hosting an opportunity to drive the hot cars o f your dreams – drifting, carting, etc. Food , and fun for all. Sun April 7, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
  3. Board of Directors meeting at the Methodist Hospital Tue. Feb. 21, 2012.
  4. Planning Commission Meeting re: the Santa Anita Race Track. Also honoring Don Penman, the long time manager of the city of Arcadia, who is retiring. Thur. Feb. 23, 2012, 9:00 AM – 12 noon.
  5. OKLAHOMA! Mimi exuberantly reminded us of the upcoming performance at the Arcadia High School Theatre, March 22-31,2012. Tickets are on sale at the school’s web site.
  6. Mimi once again encouraged us, in her gentle manner to sign up to give the invocation, flag salute, introductions or to be a greeter ( good way to get to know the members). Don’t want to sign up, no problem – Mimi will sign you up!