Mary Salcido gave an update on membership. She thanked all who had brought guests to the meetings and said the steak and beans luncheon would be in March. Those who bring potential members to a meeting will get steaks and a recognition pin.
Dick Martinez reminded us that the Rotary Amigos weekend will be Jan. 26 and 27. We will finish a patio cover on the same girls’ orphanage where we worked last year. Aaron Rose advised participants to get their passports as there is an express lane at the border available to passport holders.
Dec. 27 is the tentative date for a tour of the Rose Parade floats, according to Dick Martinez. Please contact Dick if you are interested. If he gets enough people, he will make the arrangements, including a lunch.
Bruce McCallum, head of the nominating committee, presented the slate consisting of Andy Bundesmann, Rob Granger, Gary Hackney, Mark Khalaf, Dr. Tom Miles, Jack McRae, Rob Post, Aaron Rose, and Richard Schulhof, directors; and officers Mimi Hennessy, President; Mike Ojeda, Pres. Elect; Dr. Mike Hoey, Vice Pres.; Roger Grant, Treasurer; and Jack Lamb, Secretary. There being no other nominations from the floor, the directors and officers were unanimously elected.
Dr. Tom Miles introduced Jeff Porter, den leader of Cub Scout Pack 22. Jeff thanked us for providing tee shirts for all the Cubs. Design of the shirts was done by Frank Griffith. Jeff also presented a check for $100 and many gifts provided by the pack for the Maryvale Orphanage, the charity we supported at the Christmas luncheon.
Pres. Eric announced that we would be dark until Jan. 4th when we will meet at Matt Denny’s
John Murphy was honored as the Rotarian of the Month by Pres. Eric. John was the Red Badgers liason and received a plaque for the honor.