1. A progressive dinner is slated for Friday, Sept. 14th. Bob Harbicht explained that everyone will meet at his house for wine and cheese and then will proceed to a host’s house for dinner. Bob needs volunteers to host the dinners and they will be reimbursed $25 per couple for their expenses.
  2. Eric Barter announced the upcoming Post Alarm Golf Tournament that will benefit the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills. It will be held on Monday, Nov. 26 at Glendora Country Club. If you want to participate, please contact our member Rob Post for more information.
  3. Eric brought to our attention the upcoming Teen Leadership Camp to be held Nov. 2nd to 6th. Celeste Kelley is looking for volunteers, so please contact Celeste if you can help.
  4. The Arcadia Museum Foundation will be having a function at the new Historical Building on Aug. 25, 2012, at 5:30 PM.
  5. A Taste of Arcadia is coming up Sept. 24, 2012. Get your tickets from Bruce McCallum, and save $10.
  6. UCLA Bruins football training! You can go watch the team train and… I guess nobody in this club would be interested.
  7. Rotary Day at the Races ( race cars, not Santa Anita horses ). Auto Club, Aug. 23, 2012, $ 40.00, also qualifies for the breakfast tour and pit-pass to see the Indy race cars up close on Sept. 15, 2012. RSVP by Aug. 20, 2012.