1. MIMI HENNESSY announced that the club rosters are here. Each member is entitled to 2 rosters, but if you need more contact the Club Administrator SANDRA CALDERO. Rosters are available at the meetings at the back table. She thanked FRANK GRIFFITH for his hard work in printing the roster.

2. Red Badge President AARON ROSE announcd that the Red Badgers are hosting a night of comedy at the Ice House on Sunday 9/25/11 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The doors open at 6:20 p.m. There are 5 seats left out of the 40 reserved. The cost is $5.00 at the door with a 2 drink minimum.

3. BOB HOFFMAN announced that the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce is hosting Taste of Arcadia on Monday 9/19/11 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Arboretum. Tickets are $60 at the door but $45 if purchased in advance.

4. FLORETTA LAUBER, President of the Arcadia Historical Museum Foundation, announced that the Foundation is working on a project to build an Education Center adjacent to the Museum. The proposed center will be 2,600 square feet which can be divided into 3 separate class rooms. This facility is much needed as there is no space in the Museum for class rooms, receptions and speakers. The land is owned and maintained by the City of Arcadia, but it is up to the Foundation to raise funds to build the center. Our own BOB DAGGETT prepared the architectural renderings of the proposed center. Members are requested to make donations for building the center in honor of Bob Daggett.

5. MIKE OJEDA reminded us that the club’s Progressive Dinner is set for Friday 9/30/11.

6. President BRAD announced that opening day at Santa Anita racetrack is 9/30/11 and tickets are free for members of of the Arcadia Rotary club.

By Pat Barnes