Notable projects and endeavors for this week are as follows.

Mark your calendars and tell your significant others, Arcadia Rotary is dark August 30, 2019.

Next, the three walking embodiments of Rotary International values talked about their projects.

Rosie Mares has approximately 19 Rotarians donating $200 each for her Wheel Chair Project in Tijuana. John Murphy pledged approximately 5 last year so she is at 24 right now. She would like to get 25-30. Please make your checks out to the Arcadia Rotary Foundation and mail them to Yvonne Flint. Distribution will be in the next 2-3 months in Tijuana.

Ray Bushnell is looking to sell some raffle tickets for $100 per ticket for a chance to ride on the 2020 Rose Parade Float.

Mike Real reminded us about his beach party set for August 24, 2019. There will be a BBQ, boogie boarding and fun things for family and friends, young and old, to enjoy. Teri Muse is bringing s’mores!