Rotary Magazines
Fellow Rotarians when you get your Rotary Magazines and you are done reading them please bring them to the club so we can distribute them at local business so people are aware of what we do in Rotary.
Membership Minute
Mary Salcido is the Membership Director at Arcadia Rotary. Mary would like to Thank everyone that is pushing for membership. Taste of Arcadia was a great evening a lot of people attended. Mary pulled a lot of people aside and felt it was a great opportunity to talk and touch a lot of people and share about Rotary Club and all the fun we have and all the things that we do and the great relationships that are built. She has received a couple of calls back from some potentials new members. Dick Martinez wants to go back to the Bean and Stake Dinner to grow in membership and we would like everyone to call someone to attend, more information about the Bean and Stake Dinner will come in the coming weeks. Mary wants to say Thank you to everyone for being helpful and for supporting her, because it’s for of us, we all do it together. Thank you and Good Luck!
Taste of Arcadia
Tom Miles was in charge of the Taste of Arcadia as a community Service. Tom was not in attendance. Rosie Mares reported on his behalf. Rosie mentioned that there were quiet a group of Rotarians wondering around at Taste of Arcadia and bumping into each other all evening. She would like to thank all the Rotarians that stop by the Rotary booth and volunteered from 30 minutes to 1 hour. She sends special thanks to Dirk and Sharon Hudson, Dick Martinez, Mike Hoey, Phillips Corliss, Don Milefchik, Gil Stromsoe, Imy Dulake , Mimi Hennessy, and Mary Salcedo who was there too. Working these events is a great opportunity to get to know each other in a personal basis. Rosie would like to encourage the Red badges take part and sign up at these events.
Thank everyone that came to Taste of Arcadia – Especially to Bruce McCallum who promoted the events and sold over 50 tickets. He did a lot of work. Arcadia Rotary will get $5 dollars of each ticket sold; $250 was raised from all sales.
Arcadia Rotary water was distributed at the event. The water made a lot of impressions. The water had the labels from Arcadia Rotary.
Next week’s program
Our President Eric Barter announced that our next week’s program and guest speaker will be our District 5300 Governor Silvia Whitlock. Speaking about Peace Universal a program for girls 11 & 12 years old of third world counties that are giving an education which allows them not to fall into the prey of their surrounding and environment and allows them to not to marry at 12 years old and have children at such a young age. Also, Deputy DA Jackey Lasy will be on attendance. It will be a great program.
October Fest
October Fest will be October 15, 2012 at the house of Mike and Paula Real. All the Beer and sausage you can eat for only $15.00. The event will be from 3PM to 6PM.
Monday Night Football
Monday night football will be at the house of Paul Kalemkiarians. The first event will be Monday, October 22, 2012. This is one of our most attending events. Bring guest so we can show them what we also do in Rotary socially. There will be Gourmet pizzas!!!
TLC- Tender Loving Care
Jim Rider announces that Facilitators needed for the TLC. TLC is like RALA but for 8th graders. The camp grounds will be in Irvine CA. The weekend is November 2-4, 2012; facilitators will be spending the weekend. If you are interested let him know.
GDRF – Mike Ojeda
Arcadia Rotary will participate again in the Walk-A-Thon, November 11, 2012 at the Dodgers Stadium. Team walkers are needed. More information and how to sign up to be to be a team walker will be on this week’s High Gear. Please visit website or let Mike know if you are interested.
A Fun Event at Arboretum Friday evening 10/5/2012 – Matt Weaver
The event will take place at the Arboretum our district governor Silvia Whitlock will be present. Come and join us see the sun go down, with a glass of wine and heavy or devour. A sign up sheet went around.
Arboretum 9/30/2012- Richard Shulhof
Richard Shulhof invited everyone to go see the brightest moon of the year Saturday September 30, 2012 at the Arboretum. The event is taking place with collaboration of the Arcadia Chinese Association. Richard Schulhof gave away a couple of tickets.
Mark Khalaf – Received his Blue Badge