1. Work weekend at Camp Trash set for 11/12/11 and 11/13/11 has been canceled due to possible rain.

2. Rotary Distric Zone Peace Conference is set for Sunday 11/13/11 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Palm Springs.

3. The club’s Board meeting will be on Tuesday 11/15/11.

4. This is the last call to sign up for Arcadia High School’s theatre production of “39 Steps” to be held on Thursday 11/17/22 in the Little Theatre on campus with a spagetti dinner beforehand at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $23 per person. If you have not yet signed up and still want to go, contact Rod Granger.

5. The Partner’s Holiday Party is set for Sunday 12/04/11. Details will be forthcoming.

6. Mike Real announced that more facilitators are needed for RYLA to be held in March 2012. Contact Mike Real if you are interested.

7. Mike Real announced that the club’s Pot of Gold will instead be a Monte Carlo Casino Night to be held on 03/17/12 at the Arcadia Community Center.

Pat Barnes