1. John Murphy announced that George Fasching has been in the hospital and hopes to come home today. He could use some cheering up.
  2. Mike Hoey reported that Jeff Johnson’s brother, who worked for the government in Brussels, died suddenly from an aortic aneurysm. He was only 53 years of age. Prayers and thought are appreciated.
  3. Remember that the club will start meeting at the Monrovia Doubletree Hotel on 09/29/2017 while the meeting rooms at the Embassy Suite are being renovated.
  4. The 28th annual District 5300 Peace Conference will be held at the Huntington Library on Saturday 10/07/2017 from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. The cost is $25 for per-registration or $35 at the door. It includes a continental breakfast.
  5. Monrovia Rotary Club will be hosting an “Aloha Luau & Casino” party on Saturday 09/23/2017. The cost is $50/ticket.
  6. There will be an Arcadia Rotary mixer on Wednesday 09/13/2017 from 4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. at Mt. Lowe Brewing Company, 150 E. St. Joseph Street, Arcadia, CA.
  7. Aaron Rose said to mark on our calendar the Chinese Moon Festival on 11/30/2017. The cost is $10/person or $5 for seniors. Contact Aaron for further information.
  8. Arcadia Rotary Club’s annual Monday Night Football will be held on 10/23/2017 at Matt Weaver’s house. It will be the Philadelphia Eagles vs. the Washington Redskins. This is always a great event.
  9. The Arcadia Partner’s annual Christmas party will be held on Friday 12/01/2017 at Matt Weaver’s house.
  10. The District Governor’s visit will be on 10/06/2017. There will be a combined dinner for members of Arcadia, Monrovia, Sierra Madre and Duarte Rotary Clubs at 5:30 P.M. at the Duarte Community Center.
  11. Congratulations to Larry Callaham for getting his Blue Badge.
  12. Dirk Hudson announced that the 5-K run for Juvenile Diabetes will be at the Rose Bowl on 10/29/2017.
  13. Remember to read the High Gear each week to see what the question will be from the Rotary Handbook.