1. The funeral for Jackie Lamb, the wife of our club Secretary Jack Lamb, was held at Zook Mortuary, Monrovia, CA at 3:00 p.m. on June 28, 2013. Our thoughts are with Jack and his family.

2. Make sure you read this month’s Rotarian magazine as it contains a great article on our Rotary Amigos work in Tinuana, Mexico. There is even a picture of Dick Martinez.

3. Save the date of 07/19/2014 on your calendar for a barbecue at Matt Weaver’s new house. Contact Ashleigh Andrews for more information.

4. T.J. Metger announced that Taste of Arcadia will be held at the racetrack in September 2013 with $5 from each ticket bought by members coming back to Arcadia Rotary. More information will be forthcoming.

5. Thank you Bruce MCallum for putting on a great installation dinner for incoming president Mimi Hennessy and her board in the Chandalier Room at the racetrack. Congratulations to the award winners: Don Milefchik (Alton E. Scott Community Service Award), Jim Rider (H.T. Michler Rotarian Award), Robert Yohannes (John R. Fee New Member Award) and Frank Griffith (Ernest E. Jensen Service to the Youth Award).

6. Pat Barnes announced that incoming President Mimi Hennessy wants to have 2 greeters at each club meeting and not just 1 greeter as we have had in previous years. The signup sheet for greeter, invocation, flag salue and introductions covering the meetings in July, August and September was circulated a few weeks ago, but it only sought 1 greeter per meeting and now we need 2. A supplemental signup sheet was sent around at the meeting on 06/28/2013 seeking signups for the 2nd greeter. Additional signup sheets will be circulated at the meetings starting in July which will include the 2nd greeter. We need all members to participate.

7. Sylvia Ramos announced that Arcadia Realtors are sponsoring a mixer on 07/25/2013. Cost per ticket is $35.00.

8. Outoing President Eric Barter announced that he and Dick Martinez took 20 wheelchairs to Tijuana last Saturday 06/22/2013 which were then distributed to needy persons selected in advance. Eric stated that the response to our wheelchair project this year has been overwhelming, and he requested that club continue to sponsor the wheelchair project in the new club year and in the years to come.