1. Bob Novell showed a short video from Rotary International on eradicating polio around the world. He passed around the Polio Plus buckets asking for individual donations and thanked the club for its support.

2. Nikki Adams announced that the Red Badgers dug trenches for Habitat for Humanity in Glendale on Saturday 05/21/2011 from 8 to 12. Its a great project.

3. Tom Miles sent around signup sheets for members to participate in Cancer’s Relay for Life at Santa Anita Racetrack on Saturday 06/25/2011. The entry fee (donation) is $30/person or $50 for 2. The club will have a barbecue for members and their friends who participate in this worthwhile project.

4. Bob Hoffman announced that the city is hosting a city wide carnival at Arcadia County Park the weekend of 06/24/2011 – 06/26/2011.

5. Dave McMonigle announced that a sign up sheet will be sent around for the club’s installation dinner to be held at Brookside Golf CourseFriday night 06/24/2011.