1. The 18th annual District 5300 Peace Conference is on 03/09/2013 at the University Club in Pasadena.

2. The Rotary Amigos trip is scheulded for the weekend of 03/16/2013 in Tujuana. Dick Martinez said he needs more volunteers. Rose Mares needs members to donate items to take to the chlidren at the orphanage including clothes, socks, personal hygiene items, etc. It was announced that theRotarian Magazine is doing an article on Rotary Amigos.

3. The Tijuana Rotary Club was so impressed with our club donating wheelchairs to disabled persons in Tijuana that they contacted our club to find out how they can purchase wheelchairs for their club m to donate. Dick Martinez and Tom Crosby recently went to Tijuana to donate 14 wheelchairs from our club, and President Eric sannounced that we plan to donate 20 more wheelchairs in April.

4. Arcadia High School drama and music departments are putting on the musical “Drowsey Chaperone” on 03/21 – 03/23/2013 at the school’s new auditorium. Club members can order tickets on-line at a reduced price.

5. Tom Crosby and John Murphy need volunteers to help build a “sustainable garden” at the Boys and Girls Club in Monrovia on 04/06/2013.

6. The Distict Conference will be held at the Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA, the weekend of 5/16/2013. the finals of the Dan Stover Music contest and the Rotary 4 Way Speech contest will be at the District Conference. Come early and play in a golf tournament on 05/16/2013.

7. Tom Miles is heading the Arcadia Rotary Salut to Seniors luncheon on Tuesday 05/14/2013 at the Arcadia Community Center. Entertainment will include a Dixieland band.

8. The District Assembly will be held at the Victor Valley Community College, 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA on 04/20/2013. There will be a luau dinner.

9. The Super Builder Project in Mexico will be on 04/13/2013. The plan is to build 5 homes for needy families.

10. Relay for Life will be on Saturday 06/15/2013 at the infield of Santa Anbita Racetract.

11. The installation dinner for incomeing President Mimi will be Saturday 06/15/2013 at the Santa Anita Park Chandalier Room.

12. Ashley Andrews announced a joint party with the Monrovia Rotary Club at the Bar O (Cafe Opera) on 03/08/2013 at 6:00 p.m. The charge is $10/person.

12. The otary International Convention is set for 06/23 – 06/26/2013 in Lisbon, Portugal. See Mimi Hennessy for details.

13. Mike Hoey asked every member to review his or her information for the club’s roster to make sure that the information is correct. The folder with the roster information will be at the back table during the meeting..

14. Congratulations to John Wilson for getting his Blue Badge.