1. Mike Real and Jim Rider announced that the club’s Casino Night fund raiser will be on 03/17/2012 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Arcadia Community Center. Plan on attending for a fun filled evening with Las Vegas style gaming, great food, hosted bar, prizes, surprises and much more.

2. Ralph Orr announced that 4 music contestants participated in the club’s Dan Stover Music Award Competition on 02/17/2012 held at the Arcadia Library. The competition was judged by 4 music professionals outside of Rotary. The 1st place winner was a violinist and the 2nd place winner played the marimba. The next level of competition will be held in Alhambra, and the finals will be at the District Conference in June where the top prize of $5,000 will be awarded.