1. Rotary Movie Night and Social is scheduled for Wednesday 09/28/2016. At 5:00 P.M. there will be cocktails and appetizers at Craft Hill Bar (formally the Sow House and before that Cafe Opera), located at the corner of Myrtle & Palm just north of the Krikorian Theater. Food and drinks are on your own. The movie “The Magnificent Seven” will start at 6:30 P.M. with the cost for the movie tickets at $8 per person.
  2. Monday Night Football is scheduled for 10/10/2016 at Paul K’s house, located at 1328 Rodeo Road, Arcadia, CA 91006. It will be the Buccaneers vs. the Panthers. The festivities start at 5:00 P.M. The cost is $20 per person which I believe includes food and drinks.
  3. There will be a walkathon for Diabetes at the Rose Bowl on 10/30/2016.
  4. Arcadia Rotary is helping to sponsor a Wine Tasting at the Arcadia Woman’s Club on 10/22/2016 from 2:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. with the proceeds to be used for battered women and children.
  5. Aaron Rose, who is the President of the Arcadia Chinese Association, announced that the association’s annual dinner will be on 11/12/2016 at 5:30 P.M. at the Double Tree Hotel in Monrovia. He will be selling tickets for the event.
  6. The District Peace Conference will be held on 10/01/2016 at the Bonita Performing Arts Center in San Dimas, CA. Anyone interested in attending can register on line.
  7. Rotary International’s Convention will be held 06/10/2017 through 06/14/2017 in Atlanta, GA. Frank Griffith said that the club is reserving a block of rooms at the Ritz Carlton in Atlanta at $239/night. Let Frank Griffith or Brad Miller know if you planning on attending the convention.
  8. Gil Stromsoe presented Phyllis Corliss with her Paul Harris + 5 pin for donations to the International Rotary Foundation. Congratulations Phyllis.
  9. Keith Brown gave the club an update on the condition of Mary Anne and Brian Cogbill after their accident. They just moved back home from the hospital and need you prayers and encouragement.
  10. The club meeting on 10/07/2016 will be at Coco’s and the meeting on 10/14/2016 will be an evening meeting at Matt Denny’s. Please note Embassy Suite’s will be dark on those dates.
  11. The Club’s Partners are having Octoberfest on Sunday 10/23/2016 from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the home of Mike and Paula Real. Located at 1401 Oak Meadow Road, Arcadia, CA 91006. The cost is $15 per person. Please RSVP to Jennifer Oyoung at 172 W. Pomona Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. This is the annual Red Badger Welcome Party and hopefully all of the Red Badger’s will show up in force. It is always a fun event. There will be plenty of beer, brauts, music and most of all “fun”.