1. Members are needed to vsit Camp Trask this month to assess needs. Contact Frank Griffith for further information

2. The August Social Event for the club will be on 08/10/2013 for the next Pasadena Pops Concert (The Best of the Beatles) at the Arboretum. Gates will open at 5:30 p.m. and the concert will start at 7:30 p.m. There will be a potluck dinner on the green in the back and everyone is asked to bring some food to share with the others. Tables will be set up to lay out the food, and plates, forks, napkins and cups will be provided. Bring your own chairs/blankets/drinks. This will be a family friendly event. There is a special pre-order ticket price of $16 ($20 at the gate). For more information contact Ashley Andrews.

3. Bob Post announced that the annual Post Alarm Golf Tournament for the Boys & Girls Club will be held on 09/30/2013 at the Glendora Country Club. Contact Bob for more information.

4. Put 09/23/2013 on your calendar for Taste of Arcadia. A signup sheet will be passed around for those who want to buy tickets for this event. Since the club already has 20 signed up the cost for tickets has been reduced to $35. This is a great price.

5. Bob Granger announced that there will be a meeting of the Club Service Committee next Friday at 5:30 p.m. at the home of Rosie Mares.

6. President Mimi announced that club commitment forms were on each table at the club meeting, and she requested that every member take one, fill it in and turn it back at the next meeting. The form lists various alternatives for making payments to the club.