The 2009-2010 Partners in Rotary installation was held on June 30th at the Café Mudial in Monrovia.  


  1. Arcadia Alternative School – Two $500 scholarships
  2. Mosquito Nets for Nigeria – $500
  3. Ronald McDonald House in Pasadena – $500
  4. Arcadia Child Health Council – $500
  5. Arcadia Library Summer Reading Program – $500
  6. Arcadia Red Cross Meals on Wheels – $500
  7. Haven House – $500
  8. Elizabeth House – $500
Gail Jensen installed the officers using a Cricket theme in honor of the new Partner’s President –  Rick Dulake’s, English heritage. 

 2009-2010 Board Members Installed

President:   Rick Dulake
Vice President: Denise Weaver
Past President:  Joanne McCullum
Corresponding Secretary:  Gayla Hutton

Assistant Corresponding Secretary:  Kathy Swensson
Treasurer:  Sharon Novell
Recording Secretary:  Carol Stromsoe
Parliamentarian:  Marlene Griffith
Publicity: Patti Weber
Social Chairman: Marge Garrett
Outreach Committee:  Cecilia Miles, Paula Real and Patsy Harbicht
Exchange Student Co-Coordinator:  Gail Jensen


The newly installed Arcadia Rotary President – Imy Dulake, thanked the group for all they do to support the main club.

A great time was had by all.