1. Rotary Awareness Month: Pres. Brad asked all who were wearing their rotary pins to stand up. Less than half stood, and Brad encouraged all to wear their pin as a sign of Rotary Awareness.
  2. Rotary Amigos Update: Dick Martinez has a good group going to Tijuana but is looking for more volunteers. The event is Jan. 28 and 29. The meeting place is Denny’s in San Ysidro, but you are encouraged to have breakfast at McDonalds in order to save time.
  3. 2012 Monte Carlo Night Fundraiser, March 17, from 6 to 10 PM, at the Community Center: Mike Real encouraged us to bring guests to this event that is taking the place of the Pot-O-Gold. It is our only fundraiser and will provide the funds necessary to support our club’s many endeavors. Frank Hall announced that we have 11 gaming table sponsors and need a total of 6 more. If interested, please contact Frank.
  4. Day at the Races, Feb. 3: Don Milefchik has a few tickets left, so if you haven’t signed up, please contact Don.
  5. Community Garden Project: If you are interested in working on this project, contact Matt Weaver. The garden will benefit the Boy’s and Girl’s Club.