1)  ROTARY LAKE ARROWHEAD SUMMERTIME PICNIC , August 20,2011. Host club : Arcadia. Other clubs: Pasa,Sierra Mad,Monrov,Duarte, Arc. Sunrise, Lake Arorow. At the Burnt Mill Beach Club, 27910  Lakes Edge road. Fun, games and eats $25 adults, 12.50 under 12’s.

2) THE ROTARY CLUB OF ARCADIA 85th ANNUAL INSTALLATION DINNER.Friday, June 24th,2011 at the Brookside Golf Club.  ( You pay for it whether you go or not)

3)  LUNCH MEETING, FRIDAY, MAY 20,2011  AT THE ARBORETUM. Hawaiian attire is acceptable/ encouraged/expected?

4)  ROTARY DISTRICT CONFERENCE – LA JOLLA. Sign up early, for big discounts on rooms. Also, sign up for the golf tournament at the Morgan Run CC.

5)  RELAY FOR LIFE RUN/WALK AT THE SANTA ANITA RACE TRACK.  Help support the search for a cure for cancer. June 25, 2011. Sign up.

6)MEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION DINNER   will be a luncheon this year, in a cost saving move ( avoiding raising taxes ).

7)  POLIO PIG PASS-AROUND:  You are doing great, led by Gil. The fund is approaching 175 thousand dollars, the goal being $200k, for the Bill Gates matching funds ( incredible).  We’ve actually reduced the number of cases, but in a few areas cases are increasing somewhat. The Arcadia Foundation has raised nearly $30k, which is about $300 per capita