This is a series of short films showcasing the fine work and very interesting project undertaken by Rotary Clubs all over the globe. Today’s first film was shot in Hartford Wisconsin and showed the Rotary Club of Hartford’s Vision Project. It explained how the local high school works to develop ciriculum that directs students to “the trades” and how they build a home each year funded by Rotary of Hartford. Four students are given scholorships who work designing certaain parts. Rotary One of Chicago was featured on the second film as the oldest club in the Rotary world and founded by Paul Harris himself. The film explained the ideas and ideals of Rotary since its inception and how business networking plays a large part in the fellowship that takes place. The third video showcased the good works of a Korean Rotary helping Mongolian children with heart problems by making certain surgeries possible. All in all the RVM will help promote Rotary worldwide, gain strength in new members and continue to reach around the world helping others less fortunate.