Before joining the Rotary Club of Arcadia Sid Naness was an active member of the Rotary Club of Temple City. When that club closed down Sid and Shari Pica joined our club. Here are some memories of Sid from Shari Pica.
I’m just so sad to hear about Sid Naness…
We all loved Sid… and we all will miss him very much…He was such a valuable part of out commmunity.
Sid gave 100% to anything he did…We all remember how devoted he was to his family and community… Sid was President for at least two terms that I know of…He never missed a meeting.. he was willing to attend any and all district events such as the district assembly, which I know he attended more than once while I was in TC Rotary. Sid was always up beat, had a joke or happy thought and took pictures, pictures, and more pictures to share each and every week.
He had a great task as a caretaker yet he never thought of this as a burden , rather an honor… we all admired him for his up beat attitude about he never complained about anything and he always had a new adventure he went on.
One of his interesting adventures was an Ice Exhibit that he and Ellen attended… the photos were amazing… everything was carved out of ice in such great detail. He shared with us at Rotary…proudly passing around his pictures.
It seemed that each week he had a new adventure he and Ellen went on and our Rotary club looked forward to hearing all about them as we were unable to go ourselves. Sid also keep us informed with current events. We could all count on Sid to let us know what is happening in the world.
I know that Sid was honored at the 1997 Chamber awards dinner as Rotarian of the Year. Sid was a Dr. in Temple City for many years. We were all amazed that he was such a young Dr. he seemed to be gifted as I believe he was a Dr, in his early to mid 20;s,,,which is still pretty unheard of. he had finished all his schooling so young.
Sid was just the best of the best and he will certainly be so missed.
Shari Pica