The Finemaster asked Jim Rider about the bum rap on his math. “To dispel all the myths about your math skills let’s do some easy math to polish your reputation.” Do the math.   Ten minus one equals (nine)

Ten plus one equals (eleven). Put them together and what do you have?

Nine eleven—oh hey what a coincidence as in Porsche 911, your new car!

How nice is it? $50 worth!

Next, the finemaster called on Bob Deao—“I ran into you last week at the Verizon store, did you figure out how to use your new phone?” Not knowing how to operate you government issued equipment and placing the public in peril will cost you-$50


Brian Hall—“How’s business?”   “I understand you have a new location. While other banks are suffering here you are expanding. That must be a good feeling?” How good-$50